Add support for other monitoring metrics

As the monitoring part was described as a typical usage scenario for CACTOS above, one can add further monitoring metrics to be collected by CactoScale and stored for further analysis and insights.

Create/add the new monitoring source

A monitoring source can be a library, a bash script, anything that can deliver a new metric that is not included already by CactoScale. The user has to prepare the physical node and install the library. If the monitoring source is a custom bash script needs to be added under the sensors folder in the node’s filesystem. Here, as prerequisite is to install an agent in the physical node and have the basic folder structure and navigate to Infrastructure-Tools/bash-adaptors/sensors/.

Create a mapper

As the basic monitoring framework that is used in CACTOS is Chukwa, a new mapper needs to be created.

1. Clone the repository in your filesystem from here.

2. Navigate to chukwa/src/main/java/eu/cactosfp7/datacollection/chukwa/demux/mapper/ and create a folder with the same structure as the rest of the folders there, e.g newsource/. With the structure:

├──                  # the main mapper class
├──         # the class with the constants

3. Modify the classes to parse the result of the monitoring source. Additionally, in the have to be defined the column names, the RowKeyGenerator objects and the MapperCollection objects.

Snippets from the code:

Column names definition

public static final String VMNAME = "vmname";
public static final String UUID = "UUID";
public static final String VCORES = "CpuCS";
public static final String VCORES_USAGE_VM = "CpuVM";
public static final String VCORES_USAGE_PM = "CpuPM";
public static final String VCORES_USAGE_ST = "CpuST";
public static final String VCORES_USAGE_IO = "CpuIO";
public static final String RAM_USED = "ram-used";
public static final String RAM_TOTAL = "ram-total";
public static final String NETWORK = "network";
public static final String DISK_USED = "disk-used";
public static final String DISK_TOTAL = "disk-total";
public static final String DISK_READ = "disk-read";
public static final String DISK_WRITE = "disk-write";

RowKeyGenerator Objects

final RowKeyGenerator time = new TimestampedRowGenerator(SOURCE);   // The row will be <SOURCE>-<timestamp>
final RowKeyGenerator plain = new PlainValueRowGenerator(SOURCE);   // The row will be <SOURCE>
final RowKeyGenerator multiplex_time = new SplittingRowKeyGenerator<TimestampedRowGenerator>(TimestampedRowGenerator.class, UUID);    // If a value from a column is used for the id of the row for the history table
final RowKeyGenerator multiplex = new SplittingRowKeyGenerator<PlainValueRowGenerator>(PlainValueRowGenerator.class, UUID); // If a value from a column is used for the id of the row for the snapshot table

MapperCollection Objects

static MapperCollection<HBaseMappingSpecification> getHardwareMappers(HardwareMetricContext ctx) {
    return new MapperCollection<HBaseMappingSpecification>().
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(CPU_ARCH, CN_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.plain)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(CPU_CORES, CN_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.plain)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(CPU_FREQ, CN_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.plain)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(MEM_FREQ, CN_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.plain)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(MEM_SIZE, CN_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.plain)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(NETW_SPEED, CN_TABLE, "network", ctx.plain)
static MapperCollection<HBaseMappingSpecification> getHistoryHardwareMappers(HardwareMetricContext ctx) {
    return new MapperCollection<HBaseMappingSpecification>().
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(CPU_ARCH, CN_HISTORY_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.time)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(CPU_CORES, CN_HISTORY_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.time)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(CPU_FREQ, CN_HISTORY_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.time)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(MEM_FREQ, CN_HISTORY_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.time)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(MEM_SIZE, CN_HISTORY_TABLE, "hardware", ctx.time)).
addMapping(HBaseMappingSpecification.readKeyAsQuantifierMapping(NETW_SPEED, CN_HISTORY_TABLE, "network", ctx.time));

Add the new monitoring source to the chukwa agent

Navigate to chukwa/conf/agent/node/initial_adaptors and add a new line:

add ExecAdaptor <NewSource> <invokation_interval> ${CHUKWA_ADAPTORS_PATH}/ 0

Add the new mapper to the chukwa collector

Navigate to chukwa/conf/collector/chukwa-demux-conf.xml and add a property:


Build the Chukwa distribution

Simple execute ` mvn install -DskipTests=true` on the root folder of chukwa. And two gzip files will be produced unter the target folder, chukwa-incubating-0.5.0-agent.tar.gz and chukwa-incubating-0.5.0-collector.tar.gz for agent and collector respectively.